Social Media Login

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Social Media Login

Setting in the Cloudwork Dashboard

Location: Settings>Authentication Settings

Setting Descriptions
Setting Name Description
Allowed Third Party Authentication Providers What social Media login users are allowed to use, only selected social media will appear on the login screen, use CTRL+Left Click to select multiple
Required Third Party Verification Controls whether to trust email attribute from third-party authentication providers to link accounts. If enabled, all users logging in for the first time with a third-party account will need to complete the email based account verification workflow.
Third Party Authentication OUs What OUs will be allowed to login with Social Media Login, use CTRL+Left Click to select multiple
Third Party Auth IP Filtering Allow or Disallow social media logins for an IP address listed in Third Party Auth Deny IPs
Third Party Auth Deny IPs Users logging in from the listed IPs will either be allowed or Disallowed to use social media login depending on setting Third Party Auth IP Filtering

Workflow for setting up Social Media Login from a user point of view

  1. Users will see social media login up to the number of social media login selected.
  2. Users will click on social media they wish to use/social media option they have.
  3. Users will be taken to their selected social media login
  4. User will enter the username and password for selected Social Media login not their Cloudwork Login
  5. After a successful login, users will be prompted by their selected social media login to allow Cloudwork to be a linked service
  6. Future logins after a successful link will be only steps 1-4 before being signed in completely

User Profile Settings

In the Cloudwork Dashboard>Users>Selected User>Third-Party Authentication: Can see which social media logins are linked to the user's account. Admins can remove all social media login capabilities from a user's profile though the user can re-enable the social media login.