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School Bench

In the School Bench Console, there is an option for integration via OpenID Connect, select this option.

SSO Setup in Cloudwork

  1. Navigate to Cloudwork Dashboard> Single Sign On>Manage OpenID Connect Apps>Add New Service.
  2. In Name enter Schoolbench
  3. In Client Type select Public Client
  4. Fill out the Redirect URI box, the value required will be in a similar format: https://<schoolbench url>/sso
  5. Click Submit, you will then be redirected and see the service information.
  6. In the service information, copy and save the Client ID and Secret(press show to reveal Secret), as you will need to send this to Schoolbench

Location of Metadata for OpenID Connect Apps: Navigate to Cloudwork Dashboard> Single Sign On > Manage OpenID Connect Apps > Identity Provider>Auto config URL