Microsoft Office 365 with Intune

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  1. Login to Cloudwork Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Single Sign On>Add New Service>Custom WSFed Service
    Service List
  3. Add the following value into the corresponding fields:
  4. Click Submit
  5. Click Services
  6. On the list of Services click Intune
  7. In SAML Config click Edit
  8. Under NameID Value select GUID (base64 encoded binary)
  9. Tick the checkbox Allow SOAP Binding requests to ignore Mutlifactor Auth
    Example of Intune SAML Config
  10. Click Submit
  11. In Attribute Map click Edit
  12. Configure Attribute Map as follows:
    • Email: UPN
    • GUID (base64 encoded binary): ImmutableID
      Example of Intune Attribute Map
  13. Click Submit
  14. Send Studentnet a support ticket(here) saying you have completed SSO with Intune and need Studentnet to complete the final step.