Different Cloudwork.ID Settings for each OU

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Different Cloudwork.ID Settings for each OU

For each part of the Cloudwork.ID Settings(Look and Feel, Features, Password Settings and Account Recovery Settings), can be customised for each OU.<be> By default, all OUs share the same Cloudwork.ID settings however IT admins can customise Cloudwork.ID settings for each OU to has more control over what each type of user can perform in the Cloudwork.ID as well as what Recovery Messages certain user types should receive.

Instructions for setting different Cloudwork.ID for specific OU

  1. In the Cloudword Dashboard, side bar>Settings>CloudworkID Settings
  2. On the left side of the page, select an OU
  3. After selecting an OU, select under either Look and Feel, Features, Password Settings or Account Recovery Settings and click Override Settings
  4. Click Submit
  5. Edit the appropriate settings in the selected options, for a breakdown of each setting follow this documentation