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Setting up SSO on Cloudwork side

  1. Send an email to notifying Alii that you are configuring SSO between Alii and Cloudwork and are requesting your school's domain for Alii.
  2. Once you have gotten your domain from Alii, in the Cloudwork Dashboard>Single Sign On Services>Add New Service>Custom SAML Service
  3. Enter the following:
    Name: Alii
    Entity ID: <schooldomain>
    Assertion Consumer Service: https://<schooldomain> (Please note there are 2 underscores not just 1 underscores)
    Single Logout Service: Leave blank
    NameID Value: Email
  4. NameID Format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified
  5. Login URL: Leave Blank
  6. Click Submit

Setting up SSO on Alii side

  1. In the Cloudwork Dashboard>Single Sign On Services>Identity Provider
  2. Send the following information to letting them know you have completed SSO setup on Cloudwork's side
    Copy the value in Entity ID
    Copy the value in Sign On Endpoint
    Under Certificates, click download