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Instructions used for this documentation from Mimecast: https://community.mimecast.com/s/article/end-user-applications-mimecast-personal-portal-configuring-sso

SSO configuration with Cloudwork

Locate your school's account code: ACCOUNTCODE is your unique Mimecast account code as specified in the Account>Account Settings page of the Administration Console."

We will first look at setting SSO on Cloudwork's side.

  1. Login to the Cloudwork Dashboard
  2. Single Sign On>Add New Service>Custom SAML Service
  3. Fill out the form as follows:
    Name: Mimecast
    Entity ID: au-api.mimecast.com.<paste accountcode value>
    Assertion Consumer Service: https://au-api.mimecast.com/login/saml
    NameID Value: Email
  4. Click Submit
  5. Copy the value in EntityID

SSP Configuration with Mimecast

  1. In Mimecast Dashboard,
  2. Log on and navigate to Administration>Services>Applications menu item
  3. Select the Authentication Profiles button.
  4. Click on The New Authentication Profile button.
  5. Enter a Description for the new profile.
  6. Select the Enforce SAML Authentication for Mimecast Personal Portal option.
  7. Select Other.
  8. Enter/paste the EntityID from the previous section step 5
  9. Choose to Allow Single Sign On