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SSO Setup on Freskdesk side

  1. To configure SSO in Freshdesk, log in to your Cloudwork Dashboard and navigate to Single Sign On > Identity Provider as provide the information that freshdesk asks for.
    Example Identify Provider Information
  2. Once you have saved the information in Freshdesk, on the SSO admin page there is a Download Metadata link. Click on the link and save the XML file

SSO Setup on Cloudwork Side

  1. Cloudwork Dashboard>Single Sign On > Upload an XML File
  2. Enter under name Freshdesk
  3. Upload previously saved XML File

Freshdesk only needs a user email address to log in, however you can pass extra information along as well. If you would like to do so, find your new Fresh Desk service entry in Cloudwork, scroll down to Attribute Map and click "Edit".

  • First Name: givenname
  • Last Name: surname
  • Phone: phone
  • Company: company
  • Other attributes not listed here: custom_field_<name_of_field_in_freshdesk>