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Ebsco Setup

  1. Contact Ebsco to start the Single Sign On Process, a questionnaire will be given to you.
  2. Fill out the following fields in the questionnaire as such:
    • Persistent ID: objectguid
    • Email: mail
    • Firstname: givenName
    • Lastname: sn
    • Entitlement: role
    • Affiliation: Leave blank
    • Please specify which platform your organization uses for managing SAML-based SSO Connections: Studentnet Cloudwork
    • Please provide the SAML metadata file from your organization's Idp using one of the methods provided below: Select I will provide you a URL to data file (This is found under Cloudwork Dashboard>Single Sign On>Identity Provider>Entity ID)
      Example of Entity ID
    • Please indicate which connection methodology your organization will use to provide acces to the EBSCO resources: Select Both
  3. Send questionnaire to Ebseco

Cloudwork Setup

  1. Request metadata file from Ebsco
  2. Login into Cloudwork Dashboard
  3. Navigate to Single Sign On>Add New Service>Upload an XML File
  4. In the Name field enter Ebsco
  5. In the Choose an XML File Upload the file received from Ebsco
  6. Click Submit
  7. Navigate to Single Sign On>Ebsco
  8. Navigate to SAML Config and click Edit
  9. In NameID Value select from drop down Email
  10. Click Submit